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picture1_Membership Agreement Template 206349 | Fitlab Pilates Membership Agreement

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File: Membership Agreement Template 206349 | Fitlab Pilates Membership Agreement
fitlab pilates membership agreement date this agreement is between the member and my aching back llc d b a fitlab pilates for for month contract start date contract duration and ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Fitlab pilates membership agreement date this is between the member and my aching back llc d b a for month contract start duration automatic renewal begins on with subsequent months unless cancelled by either client or notification of days in advance next billing to pay recurring fees agrees monthly as stated above via authorized credit card alternatively may prepay six twelve any bank check payment increments means other than s not allowed scheduling members must pre register order be guaranteed space at preferred times cannot guarantee drop make up basis rollover sessions are good period from if used they billed time until their expiration subject availability all expire terminated suspensions contracts suspended when written email notice given least during suspension use unexpired classes also regular rate additional while accounts an account return active before cancellation can processed two per calculated class session policy cancel online cancellations diane fitlabpilates com ho...

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