mafsi exemplar contract note this exemplar contract does not fit all principal rep relationships which are not one size fits all reps should carefully review in consultation with their attorney ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Mafsi exemplar contract note this does not fit all principal rep relationships which are one size fits reps should carefully review in consultation with their attorney to tailor form agreement individual situation provide legal advice and making available be construed as the providing of by or below author no client relationship is created reviewing use document prepared adam j glazer esq schoenberg finkel newman rosenberg llc s riverside plaza suite chicago il sfnr com independent sales representative made day between a company recitals whereas manufacturer related products desire that solicit promote accordance now therefore consideration foregoing covenants agreements herein contained for other good valuable receipt sufficiency hereby acknowledged parties hereto agree follows appointment acceptance appoints its exclusive set forth on exhibit attached accepts agrees shall at times have right time during term take any house otherwise limit receive commissions hereinafter defined accou...