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picture1_Smart Parking System Pdf 205234 | Circontrol Masterslave Datasheet

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File: Smart Parking System Pdf 205234 | Circontrol Masterslave Datasheet
cir intelligent charging car solutions for electric life vehicles master slave the most cost effective way for multiple charging application designed to minimize the initial investment capex and the operating ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Cir intelligent charging car solutions for electric life vehicles master slave the most cost effective way multiple application designed to minimize initial investment capex and operating expenses opex when several chargers are required this solution is a combination of charger set slaves controlled by whole system works as if all had smart capabilities suitable private installations such workfleets or communities with unique administrator but also public access environment shopping center parking lots airports others concept design it shares external acclaimed evolve series so beyond its modern lines robust housing harsh weather conditions user friendly operation have been considered product highlights capable balancing carparks without ocpp backend available power based on number standalone configuration offers load charge points in use thus total feature control through rfid provide gets substantially reduced may represent frontal key locked door provides an reduction electrical con...

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