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picture1_Agreement Of Services Template 204873 | Csa Sample

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File: Agreement Of Services Template 204873 | Csa Sample
service agreement parties this agreement is entered into this day of 2002 by and between sample peo outsourcing inc its successors and assigns hereafter referred to as sample peo and ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Service agreement parties this is entered into day of by and between sample peo outsourcing inc its successors assigns hereafter referred to as client whose respective addresses are set forth on the signature page i term a initial shall be for thirty days following completion automatically renew remain in full force effect additional terms until either party gives written notice other delivering termination specified section xii below at least prior expiration or any extension addition may time immediately terminate withhold employees services event breach upon occurrence events xi not affect continuation outstanding obligation liability incurred during agrees it will comply with worker adjustment retraining notification act warn that give sixty two effecting plant closing mass lay off defined ii furnish perform job functions identified workers compensation code classifications warrants list accurate complete performing these do so location s address understands approval from carrier m...

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