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picture1_Law Of Contract Pdf 204730 | Law Of Contract A

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File: Law Of Contract Pdf 204730 | Law Of Contract A
law of contract a 2012 1 introduction overview the law of contract a is a self standing semester course that counts as a credit in the faculty of law in ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Law of contract a introduction overview the is self standing semester course that counts as credit in faculty llb well comprising one six component courses legal theory major faculties humanities science and commerce students who pass part are exempted from curriculum purpose to provide insight into nature function south africa more particularly with an understanding historical development uniquely african its roman dutch english roots thorough essential elements valid assist being able identify solve authentic problems regard negotiation creation contracts familiarise concepts terminology commonly encountered extracting principles reports other source material value credits assumptions prior learning when entering need be capable writing communicating coherent know how where access resources such textbooks statutes library have working knowledge basic independent read analyse extract understand system judicial precedent important role plays private problem solving techniques apply the...

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