connecticare benefits inc producer agreement this agreement is made this day of 202 by and between connecticare benefits inc a connecticut for profit corporation hereinafter benefits and with its principal ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Connecticare benefits inc producer agreement this is made day of by and between a connecticut for profit corporation hereinafter with its principal office at referred to as recitals whereas provides health benefit plans eligible individuals groups participating in the public exchange an individual engaged solicitation sale on behalf corporate employs or contracts producers who are servicing such now therefore consideration premises mutual promises herein stated it expressly agreed parties hereto follows definitions covered services means those medical surgical hospital other care supplies which medically necessary generally customarily provided service area accordance applicable plan dental under group employer labor union trust association organization offering employees membership written document entered into that sets forth terms conditions must be followed order members obtain member any dependent receive according insurance policy doc contract arrangement issued offered subject l...