reference section 465 1 of the companies act 2013 part ixa of companies act 1956 producer companies chapter i producer companies 581a definitions chapter ii incorporation of producer companies and ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Reference section of the companies act part ixa producer chapter i a definitions ii incorporation and other matters b objects company c formation its registration d membership voting rights members e benefits to f memorandum g articles association h amendment j option inter state co operative societies become k effect l vesting undertaking in m concession etc be deemed have been granted n provisions respect officers employees society iii management o number directors p appointment q vacation office by r powers functions board s transacted at general meeting t liability u committee v meetings quorum w chief executive his function x secretary y z iv za annual share capital zb zc special user zd transferability shares attendant vi finance accounts audit ze books account zf internal zg duties auditor under this zh donations or subscription zi reserves zj issue bonus vii loans investments page zk loan zl investment subsidiaries unless context otherwise requires active member means who fulfi...