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picture1_Final Business Law Pilot 2nd Q A June 2019

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File: Final Business Law Pilot 2nd Q A June 2019
business law pilot questions section a multiple choice questions 20 marks attempt all questions write only the alphabet a b c d or e that corresponds to the correct option ...

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...Business law pilot questions section a multiple choice marks attempt all write only the alphabet b c d or e that corresponds to correct option in each of following statements which one prevails when there is conflict between laws customary country constitution by edict national assembly bill highest court hierarchy courts nigeria supreme superior chief magistrate appeal high criminal liability proof against defendant must be ultimacy adequacy beyond reasonable doubt reponderance with benefit remedy for tort imprisonment damages retaliation redress confrontation promise made after performance an act prompted called promisee consideration promissor past induced promisser breach warranty contract rectification restoration disagreement purpose carrying out illegal void unacceptable challengeable actionable tortious may discharged any ways except frustration inaction agreement protest rescission malice fight silence agency terminated operation through subsequent incapacity party mutual deat...

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