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picture1_Contracts Pdf 202316 | Ulc17304 Law Of Contracts Ii Bcom Llb

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File: Contracts Pdf 202316 | Ulc17304 Law Of Contracts Ii Bcom Llb
srm school of law ii b com ll b hons degree programme 2018 2019 lesson plan mrs aehahini n assistant professor srm school of law objective to impart knowledge on ...

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...Srm school of law ii b com ll hons degree programme lesson plan mrs aehahini n assistant professor objective to impart knowledge on various special contract agency and partnership specific reliefs ulc contracts hours units topics unit i definition essentials indemnity rights the holder indemnifier nature guarantee kinds their incidents surety against principal debtor creditor cosureties s liability discharge distinction between bailment duties bailor bailee pledge pawner pawnee by nonpawners lien lientheir iii agent servant independent contractor ostensible emergency authority delegation delegates non protest delegare sub substituted personal notice third parties doctrine undisclosed concealed termination irrevocable iv sale agreement sell conditions warranties when condition be treated as a warranty definitiongoods goods future mercantile nonowners cif fob exship exception nemo dat quod habet unpaid seller or stoppage in transit remedies available buyer auction passing off property v ...

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