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picture1_Agreement Sample 202063 | Partnership In Practice Agreement

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File: Agreement Sample 202063 | Partnership In Practice Agreement
partnership agreement department of human services health housing and community sector preamble this partnership agreement represents a significant milestone in the ongoing relationship between the department of human services and ...

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...Partnership agreement department of human services health housing and community sector preamble this represents a significant milestone in the ongoing relationship between service organisations victoria representatives peak bodies for sectors have developed jointly has been recognition mutual reliance independent delivery it funds recognises importance strength that ensuring effective public policy best outcomes all victorians acknowledges respective strengths both partners is intended to provide an overarching statement which encompasses planning processes program agreements funding review consistent with broad parameters government framework growing together as living document will be reviewed if necessary amended from time not legally binding parties are committed new stage expression our joint commitment possible people signed name patricia faulkner date october title secretary cath smith ceo victorian council social on behalf endorsed iain fraser eo healthcare association contents...

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