structural geology review questions and practice exam short answer definition use drawings where necessary 13 slickensides 3 pts 14 en echelon fractures 3 pts 15 vein 3 pts 16 normal ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Structural geology review questions and practice exam short answer definition use drawings where necessary slickensides pts en echelon fractures vein normal fault thrust cataclasis listric graben what is are the essential that asked in this scientific specialty explain statement systems commonly display fractal behavior discuss with examples difference between primary secondary rock structure required stress strain differentiate mode i ii iii each of map sketches below draw a line showing anticipated strike would likely develop cross sections arrows on side faults to show relative sense displacement net stratigraphic effect produced by diagram list pieces evidence used identify field label depicting synthetic antithetic geologic sinistral dextral wrench lecture part define following terms using sentences diagrams appropriate remember picture worth thousand words x total cylindrical fold overturned anticline monocline dip isogon kink penetrative fabric crenulation boudinage force negati...