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picture1_Career Pdf 200093 | Lampiran

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File: Career Pdf 200093 | Lampiran
designing english for tourism appendix 1 questionnaire for alumni of diploma iii in tourism the questionnaire is designed to find out information about the significance of english teaching materials that ...

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...Designing english for tourism appendix questionnaire alumni of diploma iii in the is designed to find out information about significance teaching materials that have been used at department airlangga university aim reserach suggest improvement on so will be able prepare students theit future career questionaire anonymous and data collected kept strictly confidential you are kindly asked respond following questions either using or bahasa indonesia pertanyaan ini dibuat untuk menemukan informasi tentang pentingnya materi pengajaran inggris yang telah digunakan di program studi pariwisata universitas tujuan dari penelitian adalah memberikan saran memperbaiki tersebut sehingga bisa dipakai mempersiapkan para siswa pekerjaan mereka nanti nama anda akan dirahasiakan dan diperoleh disimpan secara rahasia diminta menjawab bawah dengan atau name what your job apa roles responsibilities tugas tanggung jawab how often does require use seberapa sering menuntut menggunakan situations tasks do worki...

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