sistema de informacion cientifica red de revistas cientificas de america latina el caribe espana y portugal ana sousa ferreira rosario lima discriminant analysis in career studying decision indecision the career ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Sistema de informacion cientifica red revistas cientificas america latina el caribe espana y portugal ana sousa ferreira rosario lima discriminant analysis in career studying decision indecision the factors inventory cfi as a diagnostic measure spanish journal of psychology vol num pp universidad complutense madrid disponible en http www redalyc org articulo oa id issn version impresa psyjour sis ucm es como citar fasciculo completo mas del pagina la revista proyecto academico sin fines lucro desarrollado bajo iniciativa acceso abierto copyright by no ferreiraand universidade lisboa literature has shown that nowadays multidimensional approach to making become prioritized careers factor is fact measurement instrument for evaluating which may be useful diagnosis adaptation behaviors terms versus this study emerges follow up previous used on sample university students was found capable distinguishing low decided vs highly groups and evaluate discriminatory capacity scales it aim here furt...