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downloaded from http bmjopen bmj com on february 5 2018 published by group bmj com open access research the postoperative handover a focus group interview study with nurse anaesthetists anaesthesiologists ...

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...Downloaded from http bmjopen bmj com on february published by group open access research the postoperative handover a focus interview study with nurse anaesthetists anaesthesiologists and pacu nurses maria randmaa engstrom christine leo swenne gunilla martensson to cite m abstract strengths limitations of this cl et al objectives investigate different professionals postanaesthesia care unit descriptions reflections best our knowledge is first investigating design descriptive views using qualitative content analysis transcripts e doi interviews setting one anaesthetic clinic at two hospitals in sweden have advantage prepublication history for participants six groups healthcare reaching wider range through paper available online involved handovers each interaction than individual view these files please visit was homogeneous regarding participant profession strength that personnel journal dx resulting per were interviewed org n based goal being try understand s perspective results patter...

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