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picture1_Career Pdf 199119 | 7f2705aa1286e5501f14c1254f832eb25f98

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File: Career Pdf 199119 | 7f2705aa1286e5501f14c1254f832eb25f98
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 2002, 28(2), 1-6 SA Tydskrif vir Bedryfsielkunde, 2002, 28 (2), 1-6 CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS OF THE CAREER DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONNAIRE AND THE CAREER DECISION-MAKING SELF-EFFICACY SCALE ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Sa journal of industrial psychology tydskrif vir bedryfsielkunde confirmatory factor analysis the career development questionnaire and decision making self efficacy scale for south african high school students gideon p de bruin department university stellenbosch martha j bernard phera rand afrikaans abstract this study investigated construct validity grade from a low socioeconomic area in africa results analyses provided support as measures maturity respectively accordance with theoretical predictions moderate degree overlap between constructs measured by two instruments was observed it appears that general labelled underlies responses to questionnaires addition also expectations regarding opsomming hierdie studie het ondersoek ingestel na die konstrukgeldigheid van loopbaanontwikkelingsvraelys en loopbaanbesluitneming selfdoeltreffendheidskaal graad leerlinge n lae sosio ekonomiese gebied resultate bevestigende faktorontledings ondersteuning twee vraelyste meetinstrumente onderskeidel...
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