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picture1_Career Pdf 199081 | Tstm Wkfprplsspln1onet Ip 508

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File: Career Pdf 199081 | Tstm Wkfprplsspln1onet Ip 508
workforce preparation o net interest profiler lesson plan nrs level s low to high intermediate basic education lesson title the o net interest profiler approximate length of lesson 3 hours ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Workforce preparation o net interest profiler lesson plan nrs level s low to high intermediate basic education title the approximate length of hours and minutes instructional objective written in teacher language primarily learning target statements student friendly derived from content standards includes evidence mastery helps learners reflect on what they are able do as a result for exit tickets logs or reflection by end this students will be i can become more self aware stating an occupation want identify two occupations that align with their individual holland pursue aligns my personal interests code families process analyze information create career goal is compare contrast occupational descriptions using job specific realistic me summaries before could now say wanted give at least three examples how alike which best why different ela mathematics elp standard addressed ccr levels c d r integrate multiple texts determine meaning technical words phrases text elps gather print source...

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