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picture1_Career Pdf 199000 | Ej1339512

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File: Career Pdf 199000 | Ej1339512
education sciences article usingintegrative career construction counselling to promoteautobiographicityandtransformtensioninto intention and action jacobusg maree departmentofeducationalpsychology universityofpretoria pretoria 0001 south africa kobus maree up ac za abstract this article reports on ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Education sciences article usingintegrative career construction counselling to promoteautobiographicityandtransformtensioninto intention and action jacobusg maree departmentofeducationalpsychology universityofpretoria pretoria south africa kobus up ac za abstract this reports on the use of integrative promote autobiographical reasoninginapurposivelysampledgifted year oldfemalelearnerwithmoratoriumcareeridentity status i implemented an explanatory mixed methods qualitative quantitative uppercase denoting bigger weighting given aspect research design used andquantitative techniques strategies construct data matrix mcm was gather participant s interests scores quantitatively interest prole cip elicit her micro narratives stories qualitatively adaptedversionofthematicdataanalysiswasusedtoanalysethedata theinterventionpromoted self reection reexivity transformed tension into led increase in options helped revitalise sense meaning purpose positivity whilethendingsareencouraging future longit...

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