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File: Career Pdf 198938 | V10241 012 0010 X
maria zvarikova doi 10 2478 v10241 012 0010 x career guidance and counselling for mobilities abstract in its first part the article provides a basic overview on guidance and coun ...

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...Maria zvarikova doi v x career guidance and counselling for mobilities abstract in its first part the article provides a basic overview on coun selling mobility issues at universities focusing possibilities role of both sent received participants recommendations by eu institutions european forum stu dent fedora are also briefly discussed second is based an interview survey it il lustrates their perception intercultural competences determining quality effectiveness stays final offers implica tions ideas to improve multicul tural particular keywords university partici pant improving mo bilites introduction tasks arising from council resolution modernising europe s competitiveness correspondence regarding paper should be saaic stare grunty bratislava slovakia global knowledge economy not small challenges related globalization require opening higher education research space world accordance with that there demand increasing mobil ity students researchers staff asks member states support in...

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