File: Holland Theory Pdf 198821 | Yang Weiwei 200405 Ms
cross cultural validation of holland s interest structure in chinese population by weiwei yang under the direction of garnett s stokes abstract this study evaluated holland s structure hypotheses circular ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Cross cultural validation of holland s interest structure in chinese population by weiwei yang under the direction garnett stokes abstract this study evaluated hypotheses circular order and circumplex two populations china at both subtest i e activities competencies occupational preferences self ratings on abilities entire test levels directed search sds confirmatory factor analysis suggested that model was generally not supported for mainland hong kong samples randomization hypothesized relations fit different differences indicated slightly better males than three subtests females index words vocational interests hexagon b university a thesis submitted to graduate faculty georgia partial fulfillment requirements degree master science athens all rights reserved interst major professor committee karl kuhnert gary lautenschlager electronic version approved maureen grasso dean school may...