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psychology research may 2017 vol 7 no 5 264 273 d doi 10 17265 2159 5542 2017 05 002 david publishing an evidence for validity of holland s theory of ...

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...Psychology research may vol no d doi david publishing an evidence for validity of holland s theory personality types in turkish culture olcay ylmaz ufuk university ankara turkey this is tested a sample using vocational interest inventory vii developed by on the basis consisted working adults public organization several different cities as result study with items six scales accordance psychometric characteristics proved that valid and reliable measuring tool pictorial represantation use hexagonal model inter scale correlations were found almost matched it even though some minor discrepancies social enterprising might be concluded keywords preference interests introduction clients need professional help becoming much more essential day while ever increasing educational requirements change diversity yeilyaprak emphasized every profession has its own opportunities distinctive operating conditions such visually noticed differences among professions signify psychological variations like abil...

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