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picture1_Material Handling System Pdf 198055 | Syllabus Store Keeper

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File: Material Handling System Pdf 198055 | Syllabus Store Keeper
store keeper name store keeper sector material management system code mam 205 th entry qualification 12 pass passed asstt store keeper module mam 104 age 18 years and above duration ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Store keeper name sector material management system code mam th entry qualification pass passed asstt module age years and above duration hrs terminal competency on completion of training the trainee will be able to do all general duties like inspection preservation issue identification materials accounts markets have knowledge about elementary business laws course contents for control sl practical competences theory no review practice personal safety electrical first aids fire aid fighting equipments etc handling responsibilities its use maintenance activities various records receipts procedure followed by importance advantages inspector ascertain quality method quantity preparation form chart notes reporting rejection documents precaution systems objectives consideration articles in room such as cement timber leather goods explosives chemicals agriculture product machinery methods meaning coding proformas under codification merits demerits types alphabetical different numerical decim...

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