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picture1_Functional Programming Pdf 197765 | Diehl Abstract Machines

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Functional Programming Pdf 197765 | Diehl Abstract Machines

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Future generation computer systems abstract machines for programming language implementation stephan diehla pieter hartelb peter sestoftc a fb informatik universitat des saarlandes postfach saarbrucken germany b department of electronics and science university southampton higheld so bj uk c mathematics physics royal veterinary agricultural thorvaldsensvej dk frederiksberg denmark accepted june we present an extensive annotated bibliography the designed each main paradigms imperative object oriented functional logic concurrent conclude that whilst large number efcient have been particular implementations relatively little work has done to design in systematic fashion elsevier v all rights reserved keywords machine compiler intermediate what is next instruction be executed program counter advanced when nished this ba are because they per sic control mechanism also mit step by execution programs known as its loop omit many details real hardware alternative characterizations provide lan gu...

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