File: Functional Programming Pdf 197097 | 14tkinter
The current topic: Tkinter Announcements • Lab 2 was due today at 10:30 am. !Introduction !Object-oriented programming: Python • Reminder: Term Test 2 is on Monday November 3rd in GB405 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...The current topic tkinter announcements lab was due today at am introduction object oriented programming python reminder term test is on monday november rd in gb not functional scheme regular lecture room minutes numeric operators repl quotes functions conditionals you re allowed to have one double sided aid sheet for must use function examples helper let standard letter sized that x paper can be produced however like typed or handwritten more higher order bring your tcard trees what s covered lambda reductions mutual recursion letrec everything from september up and including october gui types values an old has been posted logic prolog exercises end of each are also good practice syntax semantics exceptions fall overview a interface tk this meant just it will include need project learning still part cross platform library lets write code runs without modication windows linux we ll look mac os etc basic structure uses native widgets so program gets some might nd useful feel even though...