politeknik sultan salahuddin abdul aziz shah smart ordering system name no registration nurul basyirah binti abd razak 08dep17f1117 ahmad fahmi bin hazma putara 08dep17f1175 this report is submitted in partial ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Politeknik sultan salahuddin abdul aziz shah smart ordering system name no registration nurul basyirah binti abd razak depf ahmad fahmi bin hazma putara this report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for diploma electronic engineering communication jabatan kejuruteraan elektrik sesi jun acknowledgment we would like to express my special thanks gratitude our supervisor puan rohaniza mohd zali annafaedzatul mohamad amin aslinda zamah shari and akmar kamaruddin their able guidance support completing project also families who never stopped supporting us helping financially endorsement i hereby acknowledge that have read find its contents meet terms scope quality award signature date declaration declare work own except quotation summaries which been duty...