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picture1_Future Plan Ppt 70335 | Sistem Smart City   Ieee Standards Activities Untuk Smart City

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File: Future Plan Ppt 70335 | Sistem Smart City Ieee Standards Activities Untuk Smart City
this document contains supplemental information referenced by the european rolling plan for ict standardisation ieee standards activities for smart cities overview in order to meet the increased energy demands of ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...This document contains supplemental information referenced by the european rolling plan for ict standardisation ieee standards activities smart cities overview in order to meet increased energy demands of future throughout world will need become smarter enable and facilitate has been working many years on infrastructure networking necessary design generate automate operate deliver distribute support connect homes systems that demand it both now over coming major related projects are underway areas grid cloud computing internet things iot intelligent transportation ehealth addition is connecting grids connectivity buildings technologies relevant standard an architectural framework under development series handling distributed resources electric power communications including vehicle microgrid storage wired wireless regional area networks wran org addressing sensors adopted iso iec powerline communication equipment low chip dynamic spectrum access broadband next generation system overlay...

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