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picture1_Computer Science Thesis Pdf 194560 | B Tech Computer Science And Engineering(cyber Security)

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File: Computer Science Thesis Pdf 194560 | B Tech Computer Science And Engineering(cyber Security)
coimbatore bangalore chennai b tech computer science and engineering cyber security btc cys curriculum and syllabi 2020 amrita vishwa vidyapeetham btech cys2020 page 1 of 175 general information abbreviations used ...

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...Coimbatore bangalore chennai b tech computer science and engineering cyber security btc cys curriculum syllabi amrita vishwa vidyapeetham btech page of general information abbreviations used in the cat category l lecture t tutorial p practical cr credits engg sciences including core electives hum humanities languages others sci basic mathematics prj project work seminars aes aerospace aie artificial intelligence bio biology cce communication che chemical chy chemistry cse cvl civil cul cultural education eac electronics ece eee electrical elc mat mee mechanical phy physics course outcome co statements that describe what students are expected to know able do at end each these relate skills knowledge behaviour acquire their progress through program outcomes pos be upon graduating from attitude nba has defined for discipline objectives is intended mould into well prepared professionals been designed with a good balance between theoretical aspects analytical architectural methods complemen...

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