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picture1_Inventory Pdf 194404 | Lbd103worksheet2016

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File: Inventory Pdf 194404 | Lbd103worksheet2016
lbd tennessee department of revenue 103 liquor by the drink tax worksheet only please go to https tntap tn gov eservices to file do not file 1 total beginning inventory ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Lbd tennessee department of revenue liquor by the drink tax worksheet only please go to https tntap tn gov eservices file do not total beginning inventory amount ending sales at regular prices for special gross non exempt entities lines through taxable base divide line rate is add and enter credit if applicable penalty filed late see instructions interest current per annum due subtract general since you have been licensed sell alcoholic beverages consumption on premises are required monthly returns pay report including all taxes beer with an alcohol content less than food other items be included in this date return along appropriate payment or before th day following end your accounting period addition being assessed filing a underpayment must reported beverage commission delinquent underpaid three times during one license may subject suspension revocation taxpayer preparer s signature sign paid preparers accountants attorneys etc also make check payable shown mail andrew jackson state...

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