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picture1_Inventory Management Pdf 194315 | 1454563174 284

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File: Inventory Management Pdf 194315 | 1454563174 284
a study on inventory control and management techniques 1 2 3 manthan pagare santosh kumar yadav rupesh mahale 4 5 6 mahendra pawar pankaj patil dinesh bhadane 1 2 3 ...

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...A study on inventory control and management techniques manthan pagare santosh kumar yadav rupesh mahale mahendra pawar pankaj patil dinesh bhadane bvcoe ri nashik b e mechanical pune university assistant professor dept abstract this theory is concerned with the expansion of an intellectual system mean to link extensive gap between practice assist industrial managers achieve efficient successful planned attempts accomplish by providing regular pattern recognition model assortment facilities in order integrate into established computer based structure make easy function identifier data administrator has been developed influence history necessary for arithmetical analysis load keen from other applications establish s base swot up modelling type growth professional systems are reviewed published models which deals similar trouble have compared its applicability simplicity being fit be computerised it was further enlargement modifies fill gaps overall arrangement prominent features proposed...

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