proceedings of the 2009 industrial engineering research conference technology assessment for an inventory management process in a hospital unit angelica burbano behlul saka ronald rardin manuel rossetti department of industrial ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Proceedings of the industrial engineering research conference technology assessment for an inventory management process in a hospital unit angelica burbano behlul saka ronald rardin manuel rossetti department university arkansas bell center fayetteville usa abstract penetration auto identification and data capture id dc healthcare logistics is low recent american health association aha study shows that hospitals use barcode supply chain purposes radio frequency rfid materials managers find it difficult to evaluate impact technologies on current processes order make decision about whether or not adopt technological alternative this paper studies particular we will refer implantable devices within catheterization lab propose conceptual design system quantitative modeling approach handle these issues present our preliminary results from spreadsheet based tool keywords barcodes introduction have been shown improve efficiency reduce errors associated with transactions entry however only are...