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picture1_Scheduling Pdf 193628 | Cpu Sched

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File: Scheduling Pdf 193628 | Cpu Sched
7 Scheduling: Introduction Bynowlow-levelmechanismsofrunningprocesses(e.g.,contextswitch- ing)shouldbeclear;iftheyarenot,gobackachapterortwo,andreadthe description of how that stuff works again. However, we have yet to un- derstand the high-level policies that an OS ...

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...Scheduling introduction bynowlow levelmechanismsofrunningprocesses e g contextswitch ing shouldbeclear iftheyarenot gobackachapterortwo andreadthe description of how that stuff works again however we have yet to un derstand the high level policies an os scheduler employs will nowdojust presenting a series sometimes called disciplines various smart and hard working people de velopedovertheyears origins in fact predate computer systems early approachesweretakenfromtheeldofoperationsmanagementandap plied computers this reality should be no surprise assembly lines andmanyotherhumanendeavorsalsorequirescheduling andmanyof thesameconcernsexisttherein includingalaser likedesireforefciency andthus ourproblem thecrux howtodevelopschedulingpolicy develop basic framework for thinking about what are key assumptions metrics important whatbasicapproacheshavebeenusedintheearliestofcom puter workloadassumptions before getting into range possible let us rst make number simplifying processes running sys...

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