File: Software Development Agreement Pdf 192576 | Vet2pettosandprivacy
VET2PET MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT AND LICENSING AGREEMENT This Vet2Pet Mobile Application Development Agreement (the "Agreement") is a binding agreement between V2P2, LLC, d/b/a Vet2Pet ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Vetpet mobile application development and licensing agreement this the is a binding between vp llc d b nevada limited liability company or us our veterinary practice desiring of customized for practices hereafter customer you governs including all related documentation your use distribution licensed not sold to by clicking agree button acknowledge that have read understand represent are duly authorized representative c accept on behalf legally bound its terms definitions means software creates provides in connection with services generally meant be accessed used via devices along other documents work product materials thereto required otherwise does create provide confidential information proprietary party which disclosed oral written any form includes trade secrets business financial data lists associated databases passwords identification words codes access may also include but technical know how specifications code manners conducting operations strategic plans systems results testin...