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picture1_Warehouse Management System Pdf 192550 | Article 144059 91e95498a902683ec1fc4b6e4e08c1bf

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File: Warehouse Management System Pdf 192550 | Article 144059 91e95498a902683ec1fc4b6e4e08c1bf
the egyptian international journal of engineering sciences and technology vol 32 2020 59 65 https eijest journals ekb eg an intelligent warehouse management system using the internet of things a ...

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...The egyptian international journal of engineering sciences and technology vol https eijest journals ekb eg an intelligent warehouse management system using internet things a b walaa hamdy noha mostafa hesham alawady industrial department zagazig university sharkia egypt mechanical british in shorouk city cairo r t i c l e n f o s keywords nowadays acts as competitive factor any supply chain it has st main role linking all partners hence become very necessary to nd allocate its resources efficiently manage effectively sound can contribute cost reduction improve customer rd satisfaction however traditional models have unsuitable inefficient for today market requirements so companies started adopt innovative approaches technologies be used such applications one these is that enables connection between several physical objects produces massive amount...

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