core metadata citation and similar papers at core ac uk provided by international institute for science technology and education iiste e journals research journal of finance and accounting www iiste ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Core metadata citation and similar papers at ac uk provided by international institute for science technology education iiste e journals research journal of finance accounting www org issn paper online vol no dynamics inventory cost optimization a review theory evidence abayomi t onanuga adeyemi adekunle olabisi onabanjo university department banking p m b ago iwoye nigeria mail the corresponding author kunleadeyemi gmail com abstract control models as an estimation tool optimizing management is discussed in this various methods estimating economic order quantity eoq safety stocks under deterministic stochastic situations are reviewed traditional managing such ratios analysis two bin systems perpetual system some others form part ratings or its classification priority unit consumption value also empirical work tends to support opinion that modern method far more effective efficient than keywords introduction idle resource which usable has it may be men money materials plant acquisition...