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picture1_Lec05 Iteration

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File: Lec05 Iteration
iterations and loops in python petr posik department of cybernetics fee ctu in prague eecs be5b33prg programming essentials 2015 prerequisities strings tuples lists functions computers are often used to automate ...

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...Iterations and loops in python petr posik department of cybernetics fee ctu prague eecs bebprg programming essentials prerequisities strings tuples lists functions computers are often used to automate repetitive tasks repeating identical or similar without making errors is something that do well people poorly repeated execution a set statements called iteration because so common provides several language features make it easier loop types many computer languages have at least for suitable when piece code shall be ran number times with known repetitions while the not advance general form statement as follows following bound first value executed then assigned second again process continues until sequence exhausted break within block each good way thinking about actually read like item collection z iterating over characters string can easilly iterate write program computes sum all digits given char int print function compute numbers def num s numerals ch return same above i end word upper...

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