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File: Abstract
reusability and availability of hero icse 2021 technical track id 163 hero on the chaos when path meets modules original authors ying wang northeastern university email wangying swc neu edu ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Reusability and availability of hero icse technical track id on the chaos when path meets modules original authors ying wang northeastern university email wangying swc neu edu cn github neolithera liang qiao qiaoliangneu com katego corresponding author artifacts chang xu nanjing changxu nju yepang liu southern science technology liuyp sustech shing chi cheung hong kong scc cse ust hk na meng virginia tech usa nm cs vt hai yu yuhai mail zhiliang zhu zhuzhiliang artifact zip is available at http www go major components in package include k subjects info xlsx information used rq empirical study da taset dm issues collected for benchmark dataset folder script files verifying experimental results abstract ever since its first release programming language golang has been well received by software communities a reason success powerful support library based de velopment where project can be conveniently built top other projects referencing them as libraries evolves it recommends use new mode t...

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