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picture1_Workshop 1 Introduction Scratch And Sequence

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File: Workshop 1 Introduction Scratch And Sequence
workshop 1 introduction scratch and sequence what is scratch to quote the system s own web site with scratch you can program your own interactive stories games and animations and ...

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...Workshop introduction scratch and sequence what is to quote the system s own web site with you can program your interactive stories games animations share creations others in online community helps young people learn think creatively reason systematically work collaboratively essential skills for life st century a project of lifelong kindergarten group at mit media lab it provided free charge there are two points keep mind as an educator new environment simple easy fun use teaches core concepts programming that extend into usage pretty much every modern language used industry today these combined make excellent children engage understand key so how does take look following c sharp code popular computer most languages tend something like this when displayed on screen create infinite loop while if user presses space then move sprite ahead units getkeypress movesprite right arrow rotate by turnsprite left not only total misery please be clear comprehending text near impenetrable novice on...

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