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picture1_Does Scratch Teach Only Programming 1

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File: Does Scratch Teach Only Programming 1
www tiserjournal com does scratch teach only programming selen galc cakir schools turkey orcid id 0000 0002 3524 6428 selengalic gmail com bahadr yildiz hacettepe university faculty of education turkey ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Www tiserjournal com does scratch teach only programming selen galc cakir schools turkey orcid id selengalic gmail bahadr yildiz hacettepe university faculty of education bahadir bahadiryildiz net abstract was designed by the massachusetts institute technology mit this study aims to obtain mathematical concepts that students need while developing a project based on turkish national elementary mathematics curriculum within scope research six projects are shared openly with users and site visitors were selected dr used process selecting quality under seven aspects over twenty one points in classified according their scores three different levels such as beginner intermediate upper level for current limited theme game examined criteria games data analysis each code blocks every analyzed regard then associated related objectives findings it observed at besides found there secondary school result may have implicit learning during future curriculums be investigated rearranged an holistic per...

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