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picture1_Basics Of Computer Programming Pdf 191577 | Bsccs Fy Cbcs 2022 2023

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File: Basics Of Computer Programming Pdf 191577 | Bsccs Fy Cbcs 2022 2023
rajarshi shahu mahavidyalaya autonomous latur syllabus 2022 2023 under cbcs three year degree programme in b sc c s six semester course name of department information technology name of course ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Rajarshi shahu mahavidyalaya autonomous latur syllabus under cbcs three year degree programme in b sc c s six semester course name of department information technology cc aecc sec ge ug first i ii syllabi approved by the board studies with effect from june pattern lectures marks code title per total intern end credits week al semes ter ability enhancement core u coe communicative english cfo computer fundamentals and office automation bde basics digital electronics pic programming los linux operating system practical based on lac lab cf oa de iii prog iv sem dma discrete mathematics data structures dsa algorithms cpr web wph html css generic elective moe moral education ncbc v dm vi vii viii note students can opt any online such as swayam nptel moocs will be given additional...

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