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picture1_Evolution Of Programming Languages Pdf 190774 | A1 Introduction

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File: Evolution Of Programming Languages Pdf 190774 | A1 Introduction
programming evolution we start with program as a sequence of bits in machine language for x86 instruction set as base 16 55 89 e5 53 83 ec 04 83 00 ...

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...Programming evolution we start with program as a sequence of bits in machine language for x instruction set base e ec c d b f and then assembly languages one to correspondence between mnemonic abbreviations instructions less error prone larger programs assemblers translate different machines pushl ebp movl esp ebx subl finally independent g fortran lisp prolog pascal closer natural mathematical formulae more complicated translation or no longer exists fertile lava scheme abc forth life perl self ada limbo phantom setl agora charity fpl php simula alf chill gnu logo pike smalltalk algol cics guile lua pixcl snobol alice clean godel matlab pl tads amiga clu haskell mcpl i tcl ampl cobol hugo mercury pliant tom apl comal ici miranda postscript ubercode applescript ct icon ml unity aspectj dbase inform modula python v awk delphi j neobook q visual basic dog java nesl quakec webql javascript netrexx r wolfram bcpl egg juice oberon rebol xquery beta eiffel k oo turing rexx xslt bliss elastic...

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