File: Programming Concepts Pdf 190166 | Openclmodel
anintroduction to the opencl programming model jonathan tompson kristofer schlachter nyu mediaresearchlab nyu mediaresearchlab abstract 2 theopenclstandard this paper presents an overview of the opencl 1 1 standard 2 1 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Anintroduction to the opencl programming model jonathan tompson kristofer schlachter nyu mediaresearchlab abstract theopenclstandard this paper presents an overview of standard openclarchitectureandhardware we rst motivate need for gpgpu comput ing and then discuss various concepts technological back is a framework set from ground necessary understand use khronos heterogeneous parallel computing on cross vendor concurrentmatrixmultiplicationasaframeworkforexplainingvar platform hardware it provides top level abstraction iousperformancecharacteristicsofcompilingandrunningopencl low routines as well consistent memory ex code contrast native more traditional general ecution models dealing with massively execution purpose cpus advantage layer ability scale simple embedded microcontrolers keywords matrixmultiply barrier synchronization intel amd up pipelines all without reworking while allows execute cpu devices will introduction focus specically using nvidia ati graph ics cards represents ...