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picture1_Microprocessor Lab Manual 189813 | Ec8681 Mpmc Labmanual

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File: Microprocessor Lab Manual 189813 | Ec8681 Mpmc Labmanual
ec8681 microprocessor and microcontroller laboratory sscet ece sri shanmugha college of engineering and technology affiliated to anna university and approved by aicte newdelhi accredited by naac and nba sankari tk ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Ec microprocessor and microcontroller laboratory sscet ece sri shanmugha college of engineering technology affiliated to anna university approved by aicte newdelhi accredited naac nba sankari tk puthur department electronics communication manual regulation name register number lab code semester year bonafide certificate this is certified that record work done mr ms mrs in the for course during th vi academic staff charge hod no submitted vith practical examination chennai held on internal examiner external index s date experiment page marks initial faculty design test experiments average ex addition subtraction two bit numbers using aim add subtract stored at consecutive memory locations apparatus required kit algorithm start program load first data ax second bx clear cl registers carry get sum store location check if flag set then go next step otherwise increment stop address label opcode mnemonics operand comments b mov e c d ill be jnc status f fe inc...

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