microprocessor lab manual july 20 2017 hetauda city college affiliated to tribhuwan university lab manual on 8085 microprocessor bsc csit ii sem prepared by sulav paudel msc lecturer 1 s ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Microprocessor lab manual july hetauda city college affiliated to tribhuwan university on bsc csit ii sem prepared by sulav paudel msc lecturer s department of information technology perform all programs and prepare the report including objective algorithms observation result or comclusion store bit data in memory location aim assembly program ah a h algorithm start loading first into an accumulator contents at given address terminate mvi sta hlt load hl pair register with pointed lxi m exchange locations move b second back that is saved lda mov initializing as pointer de from d ldax stax use kit mps ram usage system monitor utilizes fh fffh for storing stack variables user should not disturb this area otherwise results are unpredictable examine modify command function used selected can be optionally modified if format exam mem next prev example examining series starting keyboard key pressed display comments field reset ups examined f e its previous exec termination prompt xx new enter...