File: Software Design Pdf 188906 | Haicta 2020 Paper28
knowledge representation of software design patterns a model transformations perspective 1 2 3 4 himesha wijekoon boris schegolev and vojtch merunka 1 department of information engineering faculty of economics and ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Knowledge representation of software design patterns a model transformations perspective himesha wijekoon boris schegolev and vojtch merunka department information engineering faculty economics management czech university life sciences prague republic e mail pef czu cz nuclear technical in vojtech fjfi cvut abstract help developers to robust easy maintain systems as they could be used solve already identified problems less time these are mostly textual descriptions which introduced from books catalogues while senior tend know about by experience the novice need refer necessary get them therefore it will great for development if there tools detect recommend designs ultimate advantage automatically apply pattern over an initial improve this transformation task under driven architecture step towards goal paper survey has been done study existing techniques representations automatic reading processing order build case finally best specification recommended based keywords computer aided int...