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picture1_Computer Programming Notes Pdf 188468 | C Programming Rajesh Pandey

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File: Computer Programming Notes Pdf 188468 | C Programming Rajesh Pandey
computer programming lecture notes year 2020 2021 subject c programming prepared by rajesh pandey 1 unit i introduction to computers computer systems a computer is an electronic device that stores ...

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...Computer programming lecture notes year subject c prepared by rajesh pandey unit i introduction to computers systems a is an electronic device that stores manipulates and retrieves the data we can also refer computes information supplied it generates system group of several objects with process for example educational involves teacher students teaches e teaching similarly have andprocess following are user person who uses thecomputer b hardware software be referred as anything which touchand feel keyboard andmouse classified input devices p processing cpu output o alu monito cu mu r outpu t performs arithmetic logical operations such operators logicaloperators every operation storing computing retrieving should governed control memory used into two types theyare primarymemory secondary primary memoruies treated rom represents read only instructions even when turned off contents in modified once if they written store biosinformation ram random access on any no times programs underexecut...

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