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picture1_Algorithm In Programming Pdf 187798 | Class 8  Computer Studies

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File: Algorithm In Programming Pdf 187798 | Class 8 Computer Studies
1 viii computer std multiple choice questions mcqs nd for 2 term class viii subject computer studies chapter 3 question 1 instructions written in a language for a computer a ...

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...Viii computer std multiple choice questions mcqs nd for term class subject studies chapter question instructions written in a language program b code d flow chart process of developing set executing programming saving this is not c java english basically involves steps one three two the algorithm flowchart calculation languages are types four easier to understand middle level low high does consist os s programs machine programmer should have sound knowledge hardware software firmware programmers difficult easy impossible hll needs compiler or interpreter it way writing stepwise solution problem includes proper arrangement diagrammatic representation terminal box start stop input output used get from user all processes given when we check condition decision connector show direction logic lines algorithms simple who developed plan herman goldstine john von neumann both helps us designing perfect codes our modern began any top bottom right left identifiers literals words that convey speci...

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