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picture1_Programming Concepts Pdf 187605 | Pgdcasyllabus

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File: Programming Concepts Pdf 187605 | Pgdcasyllabus
post graduate diploma of computer application p g d c a course first semester course no subject marks theory practical course 101 fundamental of computers 60 40 course 102 programming ...

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...Post graduate diploma of computer application p g d c a course first semester no subject marks theory practical fundamental computers programming with relational database management system data communication and network project i second introduction to multimedia desktop publishing internet web technology mobile ii name total objective the is designed an discuss about their applications explain concept various number systems concepts hardware software operating environments introduce features microsoft office learning outcome on completion students will be able identify peripheral devices differentiate distinguish advantages disadvantages use suite part th unit basics characteristics classification input output storage binary decimal hexadecimal octal conversion from one other representation characters integers fractions arithmetic bcd ebcdic ascii unicode xs grey codes iii languages machine language assembly high level gl compiler interpreter assembler iv disk windows unix linux admin...

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