File: Principles Of Programming Languages Pdf 187399 | En Cours 2022 Linfo2335
universite catholique de louvain programming paradigms en cours 2022 linfo2335 linfo2335 programming paradigms 2022 5 00 credits 30 0 h 15 0 h q2 teacher s mens kim language english ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Universite catholique de louvain programming paradigms en cours linfo credits h q teacher s mens kim language english french friendly place of the course la neuve main themes in a career computer scientist or software engineer will be confronted with many different languages and to make informed design choices when selecting particular he she must understand principles underlying how features are defined implemented used this examine from historical perspective guiding major starting earliest until most recent ones as such it highlight strengths differences learning outcomes at end unit student is able given master science engineering program contributes development acquisition evaluation following info sinf m students completing successfully describe differentiate including procedural functional logic object oriented concurrent well more determine what paradigm belongs identify discuss choose suitable for solving problem argue choice write small programs selection seen relation others...