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picture1_Object Oriented Programming Python Pdf 186800 | Python Pres Nov17

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File: Object Oriented Programming Python Pdf 186800 | Python Pres Nov17
dat171 object oriented programming in python prerequisites fundamental knowledge in programming variables conditionals loops and functions in any programming language course literature book python for everyone or and free online ...

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...Dat object oriented programming in python prerequisites fundamental knowledge variables conditionals loops and functions any language course literature book for everyone or free online material interactive comprehensive lecture notes is given english lectures per week tutored computer sessions assignments done groups of two hp exam determines total grade lecturers thomas svedberg chalmers se mikael ohman examination mandatory where you will use ipython numpy scipy matplotlib as a matlab replacement write your own data structures with the classes modules libraries an program graphical user interface final room same setup have used during consists questions no internet but all reference manuals are available digitally why proper namespaces coherent syntax can create stand alone applications be run interactively simple debugging multiple paradigms functional scripting many e g abaqus salome autodesk written other languages export bindings to openfoam tensorow opencv works equally well cre...

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