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picture1_Programming Pdf 182729 | 63486a5b1760683603644d82 Objectorientedprogramming

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File: Programming Pdf 182729 | 63486a5b1760683603644d82 Objectorientedprogramming
1 object oriented programming carl erickson atomic object llc copyright atomic object llc 2009 2 table of contents 1 motivation for object oriented programming 3 2 the object oriented paradigm ...

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...Object oriented programming carl erickson atomic llc copyright table of contents motivation for the paradigm visualizing program execution naming conventions model abstraction and identity messaging encapsulation modularity hierarchy typing concurrency persistence development process analysis techniques pitfalls in uml notation crc cards class relationships aggregation inheritance other instantiation polymorphism concepts review quality classes design oo didn t come out blue has strong historical roots paradigms practices it came about to address problems commonly grouped together as software crisis applied improperly or by people without skills knowledge experience doesn solve any might even make things worse can be an important piece solution but isn a guarantee silver bullet complexity is inherently complex because we attempt domains are forced size problem work teams incredibly malleable building material discrete systems prone unpredictable behavior consist many pieces which commu...

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