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picture1_Compiler Design Pdf 185968 | Unit 1

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File: Compiler Design Pdf 185968 | Unit 1
school of computing department of computer science and engineering unit i compiler design scs1303 1 unit 1 lexical analysis structure of compiler functions and roles of lexical phase input buffering ...

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...School of computing department computer science and engineering unit i compiler design scs lexical analysis structure functions roles phase input buffering representation tokens using regular expression properties finite automata to nfa minimized dfa is a translator program that reads written in one language the source translates it into an equivalent another target as important part this translation process reports its user presence errors fig processing system may be produced by or more preprocessor further s output needed before running machine code obtained preprocessors produce compilers they perform following macro allow define macros are shorthand for longer constructs file inclusion include header files text example c causes contents replace statement when processes containing rational these processors augment older languages with modern flow control data structuring facilities such might provide built like while statements if where none exist programming itself extensions atte...

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